Ardenweald: The Prettiest Zone in World of Warcraft Shadowlands

3 min readAug 13, 2021

On today’s live stream, we continued our journey into World of Warcraft’s latest expansion of Shadowlands by entering into what I believe to be the most beautiful zone in the whole expansion, Ardenweald. Whereas the other zones thus far have been somewhat dreary, I found the atmospheric coloring of Ardenweald to be mesmerizing.

There was most certainly a forest theme in this zone that permeated the landscape. In this forest, Anima, as defined by Wowpedia, is the essence of mortal souls that enter the Shadowlands, the product of all of the soul’s experiences and actions in life. Great souls — good or evil — have a lot of anima, while those who have lived humbler lives have less. The forest has started to die due to a drought of sorts of fresh anima being available to fuel the forest.

Our deeds in Ardenweald led us to the heart of the forest where the Winter Queen recognized our contributions towards restoring the health of the forest. We also had the Winter Queen save a seed that we had been cultivating throughout our time in Ardenweald, and when it hatched, none other than Ysera was reborn! She thus became a child of the forest who would join us in restoring the health of the forest.

The stream lasted approximately 4.5 hours and we are now ready to move on to the next area of the Shadowlands. During our Ardenweald playthrough, we did indeed reach max level a bit early (level 60). This allowed us to take a number of quests in and around Oribos for our level 60 character, namely quests around PvP and certain end game dungeons that will likely become weekly content for us to accomplish. We also saw that our item level was a bit low to enter certain heroic dungeons, so we ended up going to the auction house and spending some gold to reach item level 156 (155 was the minimum required for dungeon grinding).

I look forward to continuing the shadowlands journey as we head towards our next stop of Revendreth. Thanks again for watching the streams as we continue to enjoy our silent ASMR playthrough of World of Warcraft Shadowlands.

Kind Regards,





MMORPG blogger with a passion for the genre. Watch me on twitch at